Policies on Cookie Use

Leveraging Cookies for Website Improvement: We use cookies to collect information about how you use our site, helping us understand user behavior and improve our services. Cookies are vital for maintaining your settings and preferences on our site, enhancing your overall experience. Disabling cookies may affect the functionality of our website. We also use this information to tailor our digital marketing strategies effectively.

How Do We Use Cookies: An Overview

We only use cookies set by the website owner, which are called “first party cookies.” Of those cookies, we only use “essential cookies,” or cookies that are strictly necessary to provide you with the System.
Most of the cookies that we deploy are “session” cookies, which are temporary cookies that expire once you close your browser or your session ends. We also drop “persistent” cookies in limited circumstances, which are cookies that remain on your hard drive until you erase them or your browser does, depending on the cookie’s expiration date. As detailed below, we use information from cookies for purposes such as (i) identifying returning users and registrants and (ii) enabling you to move more easily around our System.

Advanced Pixel Technologies

Supporting Retargeting with Cookie and Smart Pixel Technology
We use cookies and smart pixels to facilitate retargeting strategies through our partners. This technology supports the optimization of our marketing efforts by enabling precise targeting of advertisements to visitors of our website.

Navigational Restrictions Without Cookies

You can manage your cookie preferences using our cookie tool. Disabling Cookies: Please note that disabling cookies can affect the functionality of our website. To disable cookies, you need to change your browser settings. We may also ask you separately about our use of cookies on our website.

Miscellaneous Provisions

Data Retention Policy
Your personal data is retained only as long as necessary to fulfill the intentions stated in our Privacy Policy. Usage Data may be stored for internal analysis purposes to strengthen security, enhance service functionality, or comply with legal retention guidelines.